Thursday, September 15, 2005

Sitting at work

Sitting at work, not a single customer came in to my store after was very boring. Got a lot of piddly stuff done...and then hit with something to write. Haven't had that happen in a long time....Liked here it is!

C. Roling

The sun shines brightly
Illuminating this life
I can see the scars of your various lives.
I can see the wounds of your false lovers.
The tears glisten as the fall on your cheeks.
Your body trembles as you fall to your knees.

You stand before me naked and ashamed,
Every thought telling you to run,
Telling you "You are unworthy of Love"
The sun burning your outer skin
blistering all your sin.

You fight the urge to leave
You were told I would not leave you,
That I could cleanse you,
love you,
make you pure again.
Your flesh tells you to run-
Tells you I purify by KILLING!
Your spirit tells you to stay-
Tells you that I'LL give you LIFE!
You are confused,
who do you believe?

I say, "Believe both."

I take you by the hand,
I tell you I do purify by death,
but I raise you back to life-
To walk with me,
To be loved,
taught to grow.
Just look to the tree on the hill-
took all the shame and sin,
And then was ALIVE again
More perfect than before.

Take my hand-
Let me kill your rotting flesh,
Let me clothe you in the Finest Garments.
Le me raise your spirit.
Come Love with me,
For you are my beloved and I am...

Well, if anyone reads this tell me what you think, please. God bless you all tonite.


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